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Frappe DocType Version

Frappe doctype version

Existing frappe doctype provides functionality to track doctype updates based on following criteria.

  • Properties that changed
  • Rows added
  • Rows removed
  • Properties in child tables that are changed.

Frappe version doctype can be consumed from following APIs

  • Doctype REST API

Frappe version comes with full power of Doctype REST API and respective could be used to fetch, filter and CRUD over them as per documentation

  • Frappe Method (http://site2.localhost:8000?doctype=Note%20Temp&name=d2a5210a3b&_=1696333110320) Frappe Get Doc method /api/method/frappe.desk.form.load.getdoc can be used with filters as follows to get versions of respective doctype.

It accepts following URL params doctype={DOCTYPE_NAME} _={DOCTYPE_ID}

Response will be in following format docs: [DOC_WIT_MATCHING_ID], docinfo: { ...version meta_data, versions: [ LIST_OF_VERSIONS ] }