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Restore Backup To Local

For restoring frappe backups

Generate a backup and download from Frappe Desk

Note: Backups restoring to file are async, please wait for the backup file to complete.


Restore downloaded backup to SQL

# login to your local mariadb
mysql -u root -p your_pass

# NOTE: If you have backed-up before make sure to delete database with the same name.

# Restore backup to db
mysql -u  root -p your_pass <  YOUR_BACKUP_FILE_PATH.SQL;

Remove apps that are available locally.

As backed-up data may be from a site which has additional apps compared to local frappe these apps would clash, you need to remove them as follows.

bench --site YOUR_SITE remove-from-installed-apps YOUR_APP_NAME

Remove SSO provider

SSO provider from backup will not work out of the box as file config are local hence either you can update your site_config with updated encryption key, or remove SSO from local.

you can disable SSO from SQL.

# login to your local mariadb
mysql -u root -p your_pass

# disable SSO
update `tabSocial Login Key` set  enable_social_login = 0 ;

You should be able to access frappe UI!

Creating new SSO will regenerate new keys.

For access to administrator or any system user reset following credentials

In frappe the __Auth table has encrypted passwords, we can set all passwords to admin by following query.


UPDATE `__Auth`
SET password = "$pbkdf2-sha256$29000$TWntnXOudU4p5dx7L4VwDg$0/1qjbAJIhhRkIagC5T5hgEJ0d.bDE16stjsrj.rtwA"   /* Encrypted hash for `admin` */
WHERE fieldname = "password";


You should be abe to login with any user with password admin

Using maria-backup snapshots.

Following needs to be executed on server to take snapshot of mariadb:

mariabackup --backup --user=root --password=123 --databases="_7e64c01a29e2a82d" --stream=xbstream | gzip > ./

This will make the 2023111120000_dump.xb.gz file available in "Download Backups".

To restore on local server:

Stop mariadb first and execute following to extract files

mkdir -p /tmp/dump
cd /tmp/dump
gunzip -c ${HOME}/Downloads/2023111120000_dump.xb.gz | mbstream -x

Prepare for restore:

mariabackup --prepare --target-dir=/tmp/dump

Restore with rsync:

# Worked from host machine
sudo rsync -avrP /tmp/dump/ /var/lib/mysql
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql

Start mariadb