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Build Pipeline

Build Pipeline

Following commands will use python script to render apps.json from directory mentioned in $APPS_JSONS environment variable or defaults to directory called benches.

Sample apps.json Jinja2 template found here frappe-builder-repo/apps.json

Copy all files from frappe-builder-repo to root of your "builder-repo"

Execute following to build image from root of your builder repo

python -m venv env
. ./env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip Jinja2
source ./common.env
export REPO_PAT=revant
export APPS_JSON_BASE64=$(python -t apps.json | base64 -w 0)
docker build \
  --build-arg=FRAPPE_PATH= \
  --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-14 \
  --build-arg=PYTHON_VERSION=3.11.4 \
  --build-arg=NODE_VERSION=16.20.1 \
  --build-arg=APPS_JSON_BASE64=$APPS_JSON_BASE64 \ \
  --file=Containerfile .

You can customize the Containerfile. You can copy additional files by placing the under resources directory and specifying COPY in Containerfile.