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Use castlecraft app to override auth. It allows you to accept any OAuth 2/OpenID access_token or id_token in you frappe app.

The userinfo endpoint or the id_token must have a claim with email address of the user. That user will be set for incoming request with appropriate Authorization header.


To enable adding errors Error Log(s) set castlecraft_enable_log in site_config.json to 1.

Following configuration works from version 2 of the castlecraft app.

Add Identity Provider

User with role System Manager add, update or delete CFE Identity Provider DocType.

Identity Provider is of 2 types. It can Introspect token and call profile endpoint. Or it can issue id_token as signed jwt which can be verified using jwks endpoint.

Shortcut to Identity Provider management is available under Castlecraft Auth workspace. It is visible only to System Manager(s).

Common Properties


  • Enabled: Only one provider can be enabled at a time.
  • Authorization Type: Select from Introspection or JWT Verification.
  • First Name Key: Property of userinfo endpoint response or id token claim which holds first name.
  • Email Key: Property of userinfo endpoint response or id token claim which holds email.
  • Full Name Key: Property of userinfo endpoint response or id token claim which holds full name.
  • Create User: If enabled user will be created if not found in database.
  • User Roles: User roles assigned to user when the user is created.


  • User Field Map: Properties of userinfo endpoint or id token claims that need to be stored attached to user. It will be available as claims in /api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.openid_profile response.

Introspection Config


  • Auth Header Enabled: Enable if introspection endpoint needs basic auth using client id and client secret.
  • Fetch User Info: Enable if additional claims for the token are available on userinfo endpoint.
  • Client ID: Client ID used for authentication on introspection endpoint.
  • Client Secret: Client Secret used for authentication on introspection endpoint.
  • Token Key: POST request property used to send the token to introspection endpoint. E.g. token
  • Introspection Endpoint: URL of introspection endpoint.
  • Profile Endpoint: URL of userinfo endpoint.

JWT Verification Config


  • JWKS Endpoint: URL of jwks endpoint.
  • Allowed Audience: List of allowed aud in jwt.

Backchannel Logout

Following endpoint will verify the jwt for backchannel logout.

Backchannel logout endpoint: /api/method/ Example:

Sync Claims from IDP

Following endpoint will sync user claims as per IDP configuration.

Sync claims endpoint: /api/method/ Example: