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Password Masking & Decode

Frappe Password Masking

For cases where we want to save secrets on frappe and want them to be masked or completely decoded and have some control and options around it following can be used.

Append masking config

  • format: Masking format for partial decode, and values with # will be replaced with actual secret and rest with *.
  • roles: Array of roles allowed to access this masked secret
  • allow_decode: Boolean to complete decoding of secret

Example Config

    "format": "**** **** **** **##",
    "roles": [
    "allow_decode": false

Append above to options of your doctype options on password field.

Doctype SS

Use API to fetch Masked/Decoded secrets

API: ${FRAPPE_SITE}/api/method/frappe_utils.api.get_decrypted_secret

Method: GET

API Params:

  • doctype: Doctype Name.
  • docname: Name of doctype record
  • fieldname: Field name
  • complete_decode: Boolean for secret to be decoded without any masking


curl '${FRAPPE_SITE}/api/method/frappe_utils.api.get_decrypted_secret?doctype=Target%20Type%20Master&docname=Branch%20Organisation-General%20Insurance&fieldname=pan_card&complete_decode=false'


    "message": "**** **** **** 4322"

Sample Format and decodes

Format Secret Masked
"* *** ####" "1234567890123456" * *** 3456
"* *** ####" "12345" * *** 2345
"* *** ####" "12345" * ** 123
" ## " "123456" 12
" ## " "1" *1