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APM with track and trace with Open-Telemetry

Frappe has following python processes

  • Gunicorn
  • Python RQ Worker
  • Bench Schedular

To have a OpenTelemetry wrapper with common base instrument dependencies we have added them as a part of Frappe Utils. With Frappe Utils installed you can follow steps below to have respective processes wrapped with opentelemetry-instrument.

For any opentelemetry-instrument config variable parameters kindly use environment variables, refer docs.

Frappe Utils 1.24.0/2.17.0 or above is needed for OpenTelemetry dependencies

Below steps are with consideration that we have work directory set to $FRAPPE-BENCH/sites


$ ../env/bin/opentelemetry-instrument \
    ../env/bin/gunicorn --bind= --threads=4 --workers=2 --worker-class=gthread --worker-tmp-dir=/dev/shm --timeout=120 --preload

Python RQ Worker


$ ../env/bin/opentelemetry-instrument \
    ../env/bin/python ../apps/frappe/frappe/utils/ \
    frappe worker

With Frappe-Bench and active python environment

Make sure we have frappe-bench installed in same environment

$ . ../env/bin/activate
$ opentelemetry-instrument bench worker

Bench Schedular


$ ../env/bin/opentelemetry-instrument \
    ../env/bin/python ../apps/frappe/frappe/utils/ \
    frappe schedule

With Frappe-Bench and active python environment

Make sure we have frappe-bench installed in same environment

$ . ../env/bin/activate
$ opentelemetry-instrument bench schedule